bookmark_borderMonsanto Protests

WEST CHESTER, PA — On May 25, 2013, protests against Monsanto were held throughout the nation including several locations in the Delaware Valley. Consumers are concerned about the company responsible for making Agent Orange continuing to expose citizens to the harmful effects of their experiments on humans. The pesticide Round Up is speculated to be behind the bee colony collapse. The company’s attempt to create a monopoly over seeds through GMO patents was one of the crowds gravest concerns.


A song written at the protest: Can You Hear The Alarm?

bookmark_borderLegalize Protesters Released

PHILADELPHIA, PA — On May 18, 2013 two speakers at the NORML protest rally were arrested and placed in the Federal Detention Center. The rally was being held at the Liberty Bell on Federal Park land. The leader of the demonstration, N.A. Poe, was charged with felony offenses.

N.A. Poe Being Released From Federal Detention in Philly
N.A. Poe Being Released From Federal Detention in Philly

bookmark_borderSailing Regatta


Come celebrate almost two decades of dining and sailing as the Racing Fleet of the Delaware River Yacht Club opens the 20th Annual Glen Foerd Regatta on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at 5:30 PM. Guests will dine riverside on a picnic style summer buffet. Iced tea, lemonade, and assorted soft drinks are included with buffet and a cash bar will be available so that you can raise your glass to your favorite sailboat! Musical entertainment will be courtesy of maritime music specialist and Glen Foerd favorite Charlie Zahm. Tickets are priced at $30.00 for our members and $35.00 for non-members. Reservations are confirmed with advance cash, check (payable to Glen Foerd on the Delaware), or credit card payment. Payment must be received in advance. Call, 215-632-5330 to purchase tickets. This event sells out fast, so don’t delay!

Glen Foerd on the Delaware
5001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114
215 632 5330