bookmark_borderMess Fest 2013

at The Franklin Institute
August 3,4 & 10,11

Science turns slimy, oozy, gooey, and explosive for two weekends in August during The Franklin Institute’s Mess Fest!

Our science educators have come up with some of the biggest and messiest science demonstrations that are guaranteed to amaze
and “wow.”

Shoot off alka-seltzer rockets, make and take home gooey slime, and see how far our Soap Bubble monster will spread! What happens when you combine ultra-cold liquid nitrogen with steaming hot water and 2,000 colorful balls? Stop by to find out!

The Franklin Institute
222 North 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

bookmark_borderHow To Avoid West Nile Virus

Montgomery County has published a list of tips to avoid West Nile Virus:

The summer is a great time to be outside with family and friends. There is, however, one uninvited guest who can ruin any outdoor gathering – the mosquito.  These flying annoyances can cause illness which, in the worst cases, can be deadly. In 2012 the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC) reported 5,387 human cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) in the United States, including 243 deaths.

Pennsylvania ranked second in the nation with a collection of 3,410 infected mosquito samples. Montgomery County accounted for 169 infected mosquito samples, the most ever collected in the county since WNV was discovered in the U.S. in 1999. Since it only takes one positive mosquito biting one unlucky individual to lead to a potentially serious case of WNV, the threat of contracting the illness should be taken seriously.
There are simple steps everyone can take to minimize mosquitoes and protect public health:
• Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing.
• Use insect repellent. Follow the label for application. .Consult a doctor with questions or concerns.
•Mosquitoes need stagnant water for their eggs to develop, so dump out bird baths, kiddie pools, and anything else that holds water every three days. Mosquitoes can go through their life cycle in as little as five days when conditions are optimal. Eliminating standing
water stops mosquitoes dead in their tracks.
•Drill several holes in the bottom of recycling buckets so water can drain from them. Trash containers should be covered so no rain can accumulate in them.
•Aerate ornamental ponds or stock them with fish.
•Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas, and hot tubs. Keep them empty and covered if not in use; drain water that collects in pool covers. A swimming pool left unmaintained for even a week can breed thousands of mosquitoes.
•Make sure roof gutters drain properly and rooftops are free of standing water. Clogged gutters will breed mosquitoes.
•For areas that cannot be managed with the above methods, there’s always larvicide. Many of the big box stores, home improvement centers, landscaping outlets, and even some pet stores carry consumer products that can be safely used to kill mosquito larvae. Again, read and apply according to the label.  The Montgomery County Health Department (MCHD) will be on the front lines protecting
county residents from WNV. Traps will be set, mosquitoes will be tested, and complaints will be addressed. MCHD
will be applying larvicides to publically owned mosquito breeding areas and performing adult treatments in areas where WNV- positive mosquito populations need to be controlled.

How to Protect Your Children from Two of the Most Dangerous Natural Threats

bookmark_borderSummer Concert Sounds of Swing

Tuesday, July 16th at 7 p.m.

Experience the infectious rhythms and playful sounds of swing music from the big band era. Boogie-Woogie over to Glen Foerd for a great time.

Concert Sponsor — Edward Hughes & Sons, HVAC & Plumbing

Refreshment Sponsor — Three Monkeys Restaurant

Lawn seating is free, but bring your own chair or blanket. Premium seats, in the air-conditioned tent, are free to members/$3 non-members. Limited premium seats. First come, first served. Pay at door. All concerts are held rain or shine. No outside food or drink permitted in tent.

Entrance to Glen Foerd is at corner of Grant Ave. and Milnor St.
Call 215-632-5330 for more information.

Glen Foerd on the Delaware’s mission is to connect visitors to the legacy of Glen Foerd through programs in the arts, nature and history and to preserve and protect the landscape, buildings and collections for the enjoyment and enrichment of the community and future generations.