bookmark_borderAmbler Area Coalition for Peace

The Ambler Area Coalition for Peace and CeaseFire PA invite you to an afternoon of learning with other community members! Refreshments and materials will be provided. Learn about the important issue of gun violence prevention and how you can stand up and become a grassroots advocate for your community.

Saturday, August 8th
Ambler Church of the Brethren
(351 East Butler Avenue, 19002)
12:30-4:30 pm
1st: Gun Violence Prevention 101
This is a summary of the important gun violence prevention policies in PA.
2nd: Law of the Land
Learn the ins and outs of the Pennsylvania legislature and what it takes to get community supported policies from the kitchen table to the Governor’s desk.
For More Info and to Register: OR

bookmark_borderAmbler Watershed Stewards

Join the Ambler Environmental Advisory Council and Penn State Extension’s Master Watershed Stewards for a two-day community effort, SATURDAYS, JULY 11 & 18 from 9-1 pm, to restore the Ambler Borough Park to its former beauty.

In order to protect the Rose Valley Creek riparian buffer completed by the Ambler EAC in 2011, we will be learning how to remove invasive plants such as Japanese Knotweed and Garlic Mustard. These invaders among others have taken over several areas of the park and are outsompeting their native counterparts.

One major reason for maintaining the riparian buffer is to prevent against erosion of Rose Valley Creek, which runs through Ambler Borough Park and eventually flows into the Wissahickon Creek. Once the Wissahickon Creek empties into the Sckuylkill River, it then becomes a significant source of drinking water for the City of Philadelphia.

There will be a 15 min orientation beginning around 9:30 am on the importance of riparian buffers and the reasons behind removing invasive plants. We encourage you to arrive promptly at 9 am to benefit from the introduction, but we will have informational handouts for those that arrive later.

We advise that you wear long pants and sturdy shoes (i.e. hiking boots, rainboots) in order to avoid poison ivy, stinging nettles, mutlifora rose, etc.

Tools, snacks and water will be provided.