By Daniel Brouse

Many days in the Philadelphia region are not healthy for breathing. On “Ozone Action Alert Days” you are advised to avoid outside activities. Children should not play outdoors. Avoid running and other fitness activities. Do not breathe in un-conditioned air. Low level ozone is volatile and causes micro-explosions in your lungs that result in chronic respiratory and immune system damage. The more and harder you breathe, the more damage you cause to your body. Avoid exercise.
Pollution is the leading cause of death and illness. Low level (tropospheric) ozone is a major contributor to air pollution diseases.
View the current air quality for Philadelphia.
June 11, 2017 is one of those days:

NOTE: Graphics are from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America)
Death By Ozone | The Ozone Know Zone
Ozone is not only killing humans, it is also killing the trees. The chain reaction is known as an adverse feedback loop.
Dying Trees, The Membrane Domain