bookmark_borderNew Initiatives for Demolition Sites and Contractors

Mayor Michael A. Nutter and the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) announced new initiatives for demolition sites and contractors, including new standards for demolition permit issuance and demolition site inspection, new internal audit processes, and recommendations for code and regulatory changes, all designed to ensure the safety of private demolition sites throughout the City of Philadelphia.

“The City and the Department of Licenses and Inspections are dedicated to building and construction safety and
to the safety of all of citizens of the City of Philadelphia,” said Mayor Nutter. “After the tragic events of this
week, it is necessary to implement the same heightened controls on private demolition activity that we have on
public demolitions to ensure continued safety.”

The new initiatives place additional requirements on demolition contractors and contain specific penalties for
contractors who violate these requirements. “The Department’s heightened permitting, inspection, and review requirements will ensure that all private demolition sites are safe for adjacent properties, pedestrians, and site workers,” said Department of Licenses and Inspections Commissioner Carlton Williams.

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