Enivornmental Action Committee Of Ambler

Your Ambler EAC thanks all residents and school volunteers who have participated in various activities over the year. We especially thank the Borough Council, Public Works Department, Mayor, and Borough Manager Mary Aversa for their consistent support.

You have helped the EAC in the April Stream Clean-ups, in establishing a second rain garden in Ambler, and caring for over 800 new trees in Borough Park that help absorb and filter storm water runoff and reduce erosion and sedimentation to Rose Valley Creek.

Many behind the scenes activities are sponsored by the Ambler EAC each year. Last year and this year, we purchased two heavy duty outdoor recycling containers for Butler Ave and Pickering Fields Park. We advised borough officials on what trees were appropriate for several street tree sites, then selected and contributed funds to remove 3 dying trees along Butler Avenue and acquire young trees to replace them. We initiated a change of Ambler ordinances to remove the names of any invasive species which were on the list of approved species for developers to plant. The EAC also orchestrated an eye-opening tour for Ambler officials of the recycling processing plant in King of Prussia. We finally sold the last 50 canvas bags in our Plastic Bag Free Ambler initiative, bringing the total to over 450 since the start.


Members of the EAC work diligently and persistently to improve the local environment within Borough limits, even when not all of our efforts meet with success. Our priority focus areas for 2012 are trees, recycling, and storm water management. We meet once a month on the second Thursday at 6:45 PM. If you are a Borough resident who has a strong interested in the environment, we invite you to apply for a seat on the EAC by contacting the Borough Manager or President of the Council.