bookmark_borderChristmas At The Mansion

Christmas at the Mansion
Glen Foerd on the Delaware
5001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114
215 632 5330

Sunday, December 15th @ 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Non-members $5.00, members & students under 18 $4.00, Children under 3 free
Outdoor tree lighting ceremony at 5:00pm free

Experience the magic of the holidays at Glen Foerd. While touring the mansion, enjoy the sights and sounds of the season. This year’s decorating theme is “A Celtic Christmas” in honor of the Scottish heritage of the estate’s founder, Charles Macalester. There will be Nutcracker Ballerinas, music and entertainment for the young and young at heart. Children under 4 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Advance tickets can be purchased online.

bookmark_borderOccupy Philly Events

Mon Nov 11

6:00pm Act-UP Weekly Meeting – St Luke’s Church Basement – 330 S. 13th St Between Pine and Spruce

Tue Nov 12

7:30pm Books Through Bars Packing Cafe – The A-Space 4722 Baltimore Ave

Fri Nov 15

4:30pm Third Friday Protest In Solidarity With The Palestinian People – 19th and JFK Blvd

Sun Nov 17

2:00pm PHARE/Wells Fargo working group – 1706 Race St.

5:00pm Long Term Organizing MDU working group – Ethical Humanist Society, Rittenhouse Square

Tuesday November 12, 6:00pm, Philly Net Tuesday, 1501 Cherry St.
On November 12, Philly Net Tuesday will feature our signature “Crowdsourcing Change” format. (NOTE the change of date — since our usual “first Tuesday of the month” is Election Day.) Here’s how it works: Three local nonprofits share how they’re using online marketing and social media/networking to achieve their goals and objectives. Then the crowd (that’s you!) participates in a facilitated discussion about how each organization might use the social web to even greater effect.
We’re pleased to announce two local organizations eager to receive the wisdom of the crowd will be:
The Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (
The West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools (
And there’s room for one more! If your organization would like to apply to participate in this fun and (hopefully) useful process, please fill in the form at
More info about the participating organizations will be coming out shortly.
The event will be held at the Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street. Doors open at 6:00 PM on the evening of Tuesday, November 12. Light fare will be available, and RSVP’s are appreciated for planning, but not required.
Thanks to the American Friends Service Committee for sponsorship

Wednesday, November 13, 4:30pm, PHILLY SOLIDARITY PROTEST: Drop the Charges Against Rasmea Odeh!, 5th and Market Sts.
A protest at the Federal Building in Philadelphia in solidarity with long-time Chicago resident and community organizer Rasmea Odeh.
Rasmea was arrested Tuesday, October 22nd, at her home in Chicago by agents of the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and ICE. She is charged with immigration fraud. Allegedly, in her application for citizenship, she didn’t mention that she was arrested in Palestine 45 years ago and tried in an Israeli military court that does not recognize the rights of Palestinians to due process. She is now facing being stripped of U.S. citizenship, a prison term of ten years and probably, after prison, deportation.
Rasmea is the associate director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), one of the oldest institutions in the Arab community in Chicago. She leads a women’s committee with 600 Arab and Muslim women and she is also a leader in the immigrant rights movement in Chicago.
Come out in solidarity with Rasmea, and against the political attacks on the Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian communities across occupied Turtle Island and in occupied Palestine by the United States and Israel.
Drop the charges on Rasmea Odeh now!
Endorsed by Philly BDS and the International Action Center.

Thursday, November 14, 4:30pm,
Lois Weiner, The Future of Our Schools: Teachers Unions and Social Justice, University of Pennsylvania, 3620 Walnut St. Annenberg Rm. 111
Lois Weiner is a professor of education at New Jersey City University. She brings to her wide-ranging scholarship first-hand experience, as a classroom teacher and union officer.
In her presentation at University of Pennsylvania, she will analyze how changes being made to public education in Philadelphia, including school closings, budget shortfalls, and use of standardized testing to judge student and teacher performance, relate to the global project that is reshaping education throughout the world. Her presentation will take up ideas she explores in her most recent book, “The Future of Our Schools: Teachers Unions and Social Justice,” (Haymarket Press, 2012).
Teacher Action Group Philadelphia hopes to see you at this essential author event. Sponsored by Penn GSE / Teacher Education
P.S. Also, mark your calendars for a special evening with City Paper education writer Daniel Denvir on Tuesday, Nov 19th at the Media Mobilizing Project!

Thursday, November 14, 6:00pm, May Day 2014 Planning Meeting (for the 7th Annual Philadelphia May Day Rally & Family Celebration), PhilaPOSH Office 5th Floor of AFSCME DC 33 Bldg.
30th & Walnut Streets, Philadelphia.
We’ll discuss next year’s event – May Day 2014 – ALL ARE WELCOME.
Building May Day USA Planning Committee/Outreach
Fund Raiser
May Day Rally & Family Celebration @ Elmwood Park
Determine Time for Saturday May 3rd
Keynote/Main Speaker
“Spiral Q”
Kids “Stuff”
Other stuff
Please RSVP your attendance to:
Jim Moran <>

Friday, November 15, 4:30pm,
Third Friday Protest In Solidarity With The Palestinian People, 19th and JFK Blvd.
The next monthly 3rd Friday protest in solidarity with the people of Palestine will be held on Friday, November 15 from 4:30-6pm outside the offices of the Israeli Consulate at 19th and JFK Blvd. Bring signs, noise makers and your energy to demand an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

Sunday, November 17, 3:30pm, Peace Center of Delaware County, 1001 Old Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064. Free!
Beacon Theatre Productions Presents… ‘MR. PRESIDENT, I’M FREDERICK DOUGLASS’: Ex-Slave Challenges Lincoln”at Peace Center of Delaware County, 1001 Old Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064.
A one-act, 35-min. play based on writings of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Followed by open discussion on racism in America today. Doors open at 2:30p.m. for refreshments and fellowship. More and directions at

Monday, November 18, 4 p.m. – District Office of Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D, CD #13), 801 Old York Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Sponsored by BuxMont Coalition for Peace Action.
Friday, November 22, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. – District Office of Rep. Patrick Meehan (R, CD #7), 940 West Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064. Demonstration at well-traveled intersection will include large Reaper drone replica. Co-sponsors: Brandywine Peace Community, Central Baptist Church Peacemakers, Peace Center of Delaware County.
Representatives Patrick Meehan (R, CD #7) and Allyson Schwartz (D, CD #13), who is soon to leave her seat in Congress to run on the Democratic ticket for the PA Governor’s post of Thomas Corbett (and head of the PA Guard/Air National Guard) were both effusive in their support of the drone war command center in Horsham, as well as PA Senators Casey (D,PA) and Toomey (R, PA). Meehan is the chair of the House subcommittee on Cyber-security of the Homeland Security Committee, who spoke at the press conference announcement last March said regarding the establishment of the drone command center, “The new battlefields of the 21st century of the 21st century are being fought increasingly through the use of drone…Our region will soon be at the forefront of this effort.”
Drone War Command Center in Horsham, Montgomery County: Your Senators and Congresspeople supported it, promoted it, voted your Taxe$ for it. Now, we need to protest it! De-Fund the Drone War Command Center.
Protest Demonstrations & Visits, with signs, banners…at the district offices of Representatives Allyson Schwartz and Patrick Meehan, a part of demonstrations against drone war and surveillance around the country at congressional offices.

Wednesday, November 20, 7:30pm, Activists to discuss U.S. spy revelations Socialist leader to speak in Philadelphia, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia
On Nov. 20, two long-time political leaders and scholars will share the platform to discuss “U.S. Government Repression and Spying: What the Snowden Revelations Tell Us.” The speakers will be Socialist Action National Secretary Jeff Mackler and Temple University African American Studies lecturer Anthony Monteiro.
The event will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St., in Philadelphia.
Jeff Mackler, based in San Francisco, is currently on a speaking tour of East Coast cities. Mackler is a national coordinator of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and a key figure in organizing nationwide support for the defense cases of Mumia Abu-Jamal and Lynne Stewart. He is a former schoolteacher and a vocal activist for quality public education for all. He is the author of numerous articles, books, and pamphlets on topics as varied as the Arab Spring, the threat of climate change, and Marxist economics.
Prof. Anthony Monteiro, a distinguished lecturer at Temple, has been a leading activist in the African American movement since the 1970s. Dr. Monteiro’s recent scholarship has centered on the work of social commentator and historian WEB DuBois; his forthcoming book on DuBois is scheduled to be published soon by Africa World Press.
This event is sponsored by Philadelphia Socialist Action. For more information please contact

Events listed here include Occupy Philly related events as well as other social justice events. For more updates be sure to check the Occupy Philadelphia Facebook page at Your support is greatly appreciated!

bookmark_borderHoliday Harp Concert

Holiday Harp Concert
Glen Foerd on the Delaware
Featuring Ellen Tepper

Friday, November 29 at 7:00 PM

Glen Foerd is kicking off the holiday season with a concert by talented harpist, Ellen Tepper. Ms. Tepper is an authority on the early harp and will be performing selections from her newest recording Winter Cycles. The concert will be held in the Art Gallery, so seats are limited and reservations are required. Please note that the Art Gallery is located on the second floor, where there is no disability access.

Reservations must be made by Wednesday, November 27.
$8 Members, $10 non-members
For more information you can call the business office at Glen Foerd 215 632 5330

Glen Foerd on the Delaware
5001 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114