bookmark_borderFrom Creek to Sewer: A history of Topographical Change in Philadelphia


Illustrated lecture presented by Adam Levine, Historian and Author

Wed., Nov. 10, 2010, 7 pm
Falls of Schuylkill Library, 3501 Midvale Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129

Beneath the streets you traverse every day are former streams passing
through pipes which are 20 feet in diameter. Have you heard of Mifflin Run?
You pass over it when you wend your way down Midvale Avenue. Since its founding in 1682 Philadelphia has made drastic changes to its topography as it developed its sewer and drainage systems. Adam Levine has been delving into the history of the obliteration of hundreds of miles of surface streams. His lecture will reveal a side of Philadelphia you have never seen and may change the way you think about cities in general. Sponsored by East Falls Historical Society, East Falls Tree Tenders, Free Library of Philadelphia, Friends of Falls of Schuylkill Library, and the Philadelphia Water Department.

Call the library at (215) 685-2093.