bookmark_borderPGW Sale FAQ

PHILADELPHIA, PA — The City of Philadelphia released a comprehensive list of the most commonly asked questions and answers about the agreement of sale between the City of Philadelphia and UIL Holdings Corporation.

The Mayor issued the following statement in connection with the list:

“We believe it is extremely important to respond proactively to the questions we’re hearing so that everyone in Philadelphia can see how the sale will benefit taxpayers, PGW customers, and employees and how it will protect their jobs and pensions. The questions included in this document mirror those raised by consumers, businesses, government officials and City workers.

“Unfortunately, some who oppose the sale have distributed misinformation with the intent of frightening citizens. There is simply no place for those kinds of tactics on an issue this important to the future of our city.

“As City Council continues its process of evaluating the terms of the sale, I urge all Philadelphians with an interest in this topic to access as much real, true and correct information as possible, including the list of questions and answers we are providing today.”