bookmark_borderProtestors Arrested At Liberty Bell

Protestors marched from Love Park to Independence Mall to bring attention to legalization of victimless crimes. Wildlife Fish and Game, The Philadelphia Police, Homeland Security, ICE, National Parks Police, SEPTA and the FBI made multiple arrests.


bookmark_borderOccupy Wall Street Library Worth Reading

by the Occupy Movement

Occupy Wall Street (OWS) gets another victory! The city of NY will have to pay for destroying the OWS library, Global Revolution’s media equipment, and Time’s Up NY’s bike generators when they cleared Zuccoti Park during the eviction. The Bloomberg administration was also forced to write an essay about what it learned from the incident. “Plaintiffs and Defendants recognize that when a person’s property is removed from the city it is important that the City exercise due care and adhere to established procedures in order to protect legal rights of the property owners.”

Fans of justice will be glad to hear that New York City will pay for all those books and all that media equipment that the police trashed when it famously raided the Occupy Wall Street camp on November 15, 2011. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York just announced a $366,700 settlement in Occupy’s case against the city for the damage caused during the raid as well as all of the legal fees the movement’s poured into seeking retribution. New York City Will Pay Over $365,000 for Its Destructive Raid on Zucotti Park ADAM CLARK ESTES also- Under the terms of today’s settlement, Brookfield agrees to pay the city $15,666.67. While not an outright admission of blame, the language Siegel referred to does read a little like the Bloomberg administration was forced to write an essay about what it learned from the incident: “Defendants acknowledge and believe it is unfortunate that, during the course of clearing Zuccotti Park on November 15, 2011, books were damaged so as to render them unusable, and additional books are unaccounted for. Defendants further acknowledge and believe it unfortunate that certain library furnishings and equipment likewise were damaged so as to render them unusable, and other library furnishings and equipment may be unaccounted for. Plaintiffs and Defendants recognize that when a person’s property is removed from the city it is important that the City exercise due care and adhere to established procedures in order to protect legal rights of the property owners.” City Settles Lawsuit Over The Destruction of the Occupy Wall Street Library see settlement agreement here:

bookmark_borderProtest Budget Cuts

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Over the past decade, PA has given tax cuts to big corporations. This has drained resources from our schools, healthcare and communities while failing to produce good jobs. Loopholes do not work as incentives, yet PA is 1 of only 8 states that has not taken common sense steps to close loopholes.  Now, Gov. “Corporate” has proposed “reform” that is a big new tax break for profitable corporations. He is making loopholes bigger!

JOIN US this Thursday April 11th 10am as we travel to Harrisburg to protest this on a day of a budget hearing about these issues. We will depart from Fight For Philly at 10am & return by 4:30pm. Come with us, invite friends on Facebook or BOTH!  Just reply to this email to rsvp.