bookmark_borderPromote Website Design

Glistening Web is a Montgomery County business founded in 1995. Pioneers of the Internet, Glistening Web put the first record company, mortgage application and shopping mall on the web. The Montgomery County Board of Realtors was at the forefront of technology when they partnered with Glistening Web to be the first organized real estate listings on the ‘net.

Glistening web works with small, medium and large size businesses to design, create, host and promote their websites. SEO, Twitter, Facebook and social networking are all part of the marketing, but it’s still important to remember “content is king“.

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bookmark_borderHow to Start a Business

Montgomery County and the state of Pennsylvania offer many resources to help you start a business

Starting a business can be an exciting yet grueling experience.  Pennsylvania has many online resources that can help you with registration, tax questions and locating buyers and suppliers.

Some helpful business websites: