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Philadelphia, November 19, 2015 – Mayor Michael A. Nutter signed legislation requiring that privately-owned establishments that service the public, like restaurants, replace gender specific signage designating male or female on single-occupancy bathrooms with gender-neutral signage into law. The legislation, introduced by Councilman Mark Squilla on behalf of the Nutter Administration, expands inclusivity requirements on city-owned facilities with single-stall restrooms to privately-owned establishments and helps ensure that all Philadelphians have access to safe bathrooms.

“Philadelphia is a world-class, welcoming city that proudly celebrates the diversity of our residents and communities. Our inclusive practices and commitment to equality makes our city truly great and a leader on LGBT issues,” said Mayor Nutter. “This legislation expands and strengthens gender-identity protections and is an important step in support of our LGBT community, especially our transgender community members. I am proud that Philadelphia is one of the largest cities in the nation to implement this kind of policy and I want to thank Councilman Squilla for introducing this bill on our Administration’s behalf.”

All signage on applicable bathroom facilities must be changed by January 20, 2016, the legislation’s effective date. The Department of Licenses and Inspections will oversee enforcement of the law.