Deer Hunt at the Norristown Farm Park

The Montgomery County Division of Parks, Trails and Historic Sites will conduct a one day,
controlled, antlerless deer hunt at the Norristown Farm Park on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 between the hours of 7:00am and 3:00pm.

This year’s hunt is a continuation of a wildlife management program that began in 2005. The goal of the program was, and is, to contain a burgeoning deer population, thus allowing the park’s varied habitat to regenerate for the benefit of both the park’s resident and transient wildlife. In 2005 the park’s deer herd was estimated at 300-500 animals. Since the inception of the hunt nearly eight years ago, significant strides have been made toward reducing the number of deer/vehicle accidents on the roadways surrounding the park. The park’s varied ecosystems have begun to regenerate and damage to neighboring, private landscapes and agricultural commodities has decreased slightly. In addition, the program seeks to control the spread of Lyme disease-carrying ticks and limit the potential for animal starvation resulting from diminished and/or inadequate winter food supplies.

The herd is currently estimated to contain some 150-200 animals. While much improved, the number of deer on the property remains well above that which the land can adequately support.